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30 - Scheme



Weber kits don't come with a manual or something like it. All the information they deliver as a download are the schematics and the layout. Another great source of information is the Weber forum with lots of great guys willing and able to help you with all your problems!

Download here a full size JPEG, Scheme:

You must be able to read these schematics. You must have some basic understanding of electronics and components. Of course, there's a lot to be found on the internet.

Here are some usefull links:


The Weber site

Weber Forum

The Weber Forum, a must read!

The Valve Wizard

A very good site explaning valves and valve-amps.

EL34 World

Lots of info, parts, books and more.

Aiken Amplification

Good infomation.

Schematic Heaven

All the schemes you'll ever need.


USA Forum.

Grounding Scheme

There are several ways too use the good grounding scheme:

  • The original with the brass plate behind the pots.
  • With a bus bar soldered too the pots.
  • With a bus bar connected too the PT and not too the pots.
  • Variations of the above.

I liked the scheme from EL34 World the best. I could understand what was happening. But than again, I really like a bus bar. I've asked a lot of questions about grounding schemes on various forums. I came to only this conclusion:

  • Use the original and deal with some hum.
  • Use the EL34 method with a bus bar.

I ended up using the bus bar. Download my grounding scheme here:

Download here a PDF, Grounding Scheme:
Grounding PDF

Download here a DOC, Grounding Scheme:
Grounding DOC

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